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1. Anatomy
1. Examination of the Pelvis
1. Palpation of the Iliac Crests
2. Palpation of the Posterior Iliac Spines
3. Palpation of the Anterior Iliac Spines
4. Palpation of the Ischial Tuberosities
5. Palpation of Insertion of the Abdominal Muscles at the Symphysis
6. Palpation of Painful Coccyx
7. Palpation of the Pelvic Floor
8. Palpation of the Hip Joint
9. Palpation of Origin of the Adductors
10. Pelvic Distortion
11. Overtake Phenomenon
12. Assessment of the Spine Sign
13. Atlanto-occipital Movement Restriction
14. Iliac Spasm
15. TrPs in the Short Neck Extensors - Mobilization into Anteflexion
16. Mobilization into Retroflexion and Check Up
17. Examination of the Outflare – Inflare
18. Therapy of Outflare – Inflare
2. Sacroiliac Joint
1. Nutation Movement at the Sacroiliac Joint
2. Examination - Spine Sign
3. Examination According to Rosina
4. Examination - Adduction Test
5. Examination by Springing - Upper Part of the Joint
6. Examination by Springing - Lower Part of the Joint
7. Mobilization with Hands Crossed
8. Mobilization with the Patient Lying on the Side
9. Mobilization of the Upper Part of the Sacroiliac Joint
10. Mobilization of the Lower Part of the Sacroiliac Joint
11. Self-mobilization
12. Self-mobilization according to Sachse
13. Thrust Manipulation
14. Examination of Ligament Pain
15. Treatment of Ligament Pain
16. Self-treatment of Ligament Pain
3. The Muscles of the Pelvic Region
1. Pelvic Floor
2. Palpation of the Pelvic Floor
3. PIR Pelvic Floor and M. Transversus Abdominis
4. Palpation of the Coccyxs
5. PIR of the Gluteal Musles
6. Self-treatment of the Gluteal Musles
7. Deep Abdominal and Back Muscles
8. Gravity-induced PIR of the M. Rectus Abdominis
9. Examination of the Rectus Femoris
10. PIR of the m. Rectus Femoris
11. Examination of the Ischiocrural Musles
12. PIR of the Ischiocrural Musles
13. Examination of the Adductors
14. PIR of the Adductors
15. Examination of the M. Tensor Fasciae Latae
16. PIR of the M. Tensor Fasciae Latae
17. Examination of the M. Gluteus Medius
18. PIR of the m. Gluteus Medius
19. Examination of the M. Piriformis
20. PIR of the M. Piriformis
4. The Hip Joint
1. Examination of the Hip Joint
2. Postisometric Traction in the Femoral Neck Axis
3. Postisometric Traction in the Leg Axis
4. Self-treatment by Friend or Partner
5. Shaking Traction
6. Credits & Copyright

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