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1. GENERAL RULES - Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Example - Gastrocnemius Muscle Limits Movement in the Talocrural Joint
3. Barrier Phenomenon
4. Dysfunction inside the Joint
5. Function Movement and Joint Play
6. Disturbed Joint Play and Impaired Function Movement
7. Postisometric Muscle Relaxation
8. Gravity-Induced Relaxation according to Zbojan
9. Reciprocal Inhibition
10. Important Technical Advice
2. THE HAND - The Interphalangeal Joints
1. Introduction
2. Mobilization
3. THE HAND - The Metacarpo-Phalangeal Joints
1. Mobilization with Distraction
2. Thrusting
3. Self-treatment
4. THE HAND - The Carpo-Metacarpal Joint of the Thumb
1. Articulation between the First Metacarpal and the Trapezium
2. Traction
3. Distraction in a Dorsal Direction
4. Self-treatment
5. Fast Shaking into Traction
5. THE HAND - The Muscles of the Hand
1. Short Thumb Adductor
2. Self-treatment
3. Opponens Pollicis
4. Relaxation
5. Self-treatment
6. The Little Finger Abductor
7. Self-treatment
6. THE HAND - The Wrist
1. Introduction
2. Palmar Flexion
3. Self-treatment
4. Radiocarpal Joint Mobilization
5. Dorsal Flexion of the Hand
6. Treatment of the Mediocarpal Joint
7. Self-treatment
8. Medial Flexion
9. Mobilization in a Lateral Direction
10. Lateral Flexion
11. Intercarpal Joint Mobilization
12. Mobility of Individual Carpal Bones
13. Carpal Bones - Joint-play
14. Mobilization Between Capitatum and Lunatum
15. Carpometacarpal Joint - Traction Mobilization
16. Thrusting at the Wrist
17. The Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint
18. Examination of the Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint
19. Mobilization of the Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint
20. Self-treatment
21. Credits & Copyright

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