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1. THE FOOT - The Screening Examination of the Foot Function
1. Examining the Foot as a Whole
2. Foot Pronation and Very High Arch and Foot Supination
3. Pelvic Obliquity
4. The Transverse Arch
5. Vele's Test
6. Screening Rotary Test of the Foot
2. THE FOOT - The Interphalangeal Joints
1. Mobilization of the IP Joint in a Dorso-Plantar and Latero-Lateral Direction
3. THE FOOT - The Metatarso-Phalangeal Joints
1. Mobilization of the MP Joint in a Dorso-Plantar Direction
2. Mobilization of the MP Joint in a Latero-Lateral Direction and Rotatory Mobilization
3. Traction Mobilization of the MP Joint & Self-treatment
4. THE FOOT - Lisfranc's Tarso-Metatarsal Articulation
1. Examination of the Functional Movement in the Lisfranc's Joint
2. Joint Play in the Lisfranc's Articulation
5. THE FOOT - Chopart's Articulation
1. Chopart's Articulation - Joint Play and Mobilization
6. THE FOOT - Examination and Mobilization of Individual Tarso-Metatarsal and Inter-Tarsal Joints
1. Movement Restriction of Individual Metatarsal and Tarsal Bones
2. Tarso-Metatarsal Joints Mobilization
3. The Cuboid
4. Mobilization of the Navicular
5. Shaking Mobilization of the Navicular
7. THE FOOT - The Heel
1. Mobilization of the Calcaneus against the Forefoot
2. Mobilization of the Calcaneus against the Talus
8. THE FOOT - Foot Muscles
1. TrPs in the Deep Flexors and Extensors
2. Plantar Flexors PIR
3. Plantar Flexors - Self-treatment
4. Toe Extensors - PIR
5. Toe Extensors - RI
6. Toe Extensors - Self-treatment
7. Joneson's Counterstrain Technique
8. Counterstain into Pronation
9. THE FOOT - The Talocrural Joint
1. Joint Play
2. Mobilization
3. Pincer Mobilization
4. Thrust Manipulation
5. Simultaneous Traction of the Talo-Calcaneal and Talo-Crural Joint
10. THE FOOT - The Muscles of the Calf
1. Examination
2. M. Soleus - PIR
3. M. Soleus - Self-treatment
11. THE KNEE - The Fibular Head
1. M. Biceps Femoris - TrP Palpation
2. TrPs Consequences
3. Mobilization of the Fibular Head
4. M. Biceps Femoris - PIR
5. M. Biceps Femoris - Self-treatment
12. THE KNEE - Screening Examination of the Knee
1. Screening Examination of the Knee
13. THE KNEE - The Patella
1. Examination
2. Mobilization
14. THE KNEE - The Tibio-Femoral Joint
1. Joint Play
2. Mobilization
3. Shaking Mobilization
4. Self-treatment
15. THE HIP JOINT - The Hip Joint
1. Examination of the the Hip Joint
2. Postisometric Traction in the Femoral Neck Axis
3. Postisometric Traction in the Leg Axis
4. The Hip - Shaking Mobilization
5. Credits & Copyright

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