
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization according to Kolar (DNS)
A Developmental Kinesiology Approach

DNS Gait Course

July 10 - 11, 2021

2 - Day Course for students who already covered DNS Exercise course part I or Clinical course A




F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic
15040 Newton Lane
Overland Park, KS 66223.


Brett Winchester, DC

Richard Ulm, DC

Course Payment and Organization

F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic, LLC
Dr. Matthew Lane

Course objectives:

Improve attendee’s acumen for gait analysis

Review the different phases of the gait cycle.

Review pertinent developmental kinesiology to the gait cycle

Provide a detailed explanation of muscle kinematics of the foot and how it relates to stability, function and centration.

Learn to utilize gait analysis as the doorway into the overall function of the patient. Attendees of this course should expect to be able to identify proper functional tests to verify observational findings in the gait cycle.

Specific developmental exercises to address common functional and structural pathology affecting the gait cycle.

Review postural stabilization and the roll the diaphragm and respiration play in this essential attribute of function.

Overview of common pathology associated with the gait cycle.

General Terms and Conditions
