The Most Recent

Parker A.R., DeArmond W.B., Lindsey J.L., Roy P., Malaya C.., Stuber K. Management Of Lumbar Spondylolysis in the Adolescent Athlete Using a Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Paradigm: A Case Report, Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic , JCC. 2025;8(1):92-96. |

Jevic F, Andel R, Hrdouskova M, Kobesova A Investigating fine and gross motor deficits in pediatric patients off therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Annals of Medicine, |

Líška D,..Kobesová A, Oplatková L, Novák J, Urbářová A Physical activity and COVIDMOVE, ISBN 978-80-557-2204-7 |

Kolář J, Veselý V, Kolář P, Kobesová A Diagnostika a trénink neurovizuálních funkcí v rehabilitaci a ve sportu, Rehabil Fyz Lek, 2024; 31(4): 173– 183 , doi: 10.48095/ccrhfl 2024173 |

Kaushik M, Ahmad Bridging Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Synergism with Movement Control Impairment Related Non-Specific Low Back Pain: Scoping Review, J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact , 2024; 24(4):420-432, PMID: 39616512 |
Abdelkader N, Leonardelli C, Howitt S. Olympic fencer with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome uses active rehabilitation to avoid surgery: A case report, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 2022, doi: |

Bell Spencer, Borody Cameron Symptomatic os trigonum in national level javelin thrower: a case report, J Can Chiropr Assoc, 2018; 62(3), 202-10, 0008-3194 |

Bitnar P, Stovicek J, Andel R, Arlt J, Arltova M, Smejkal M, Kolar P, Kobesova A. Leg raise increases pressure in lower and upper esophageal sphincter among patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. , 2015; 1-7., 1360-8592 |

Bitnar P, StoviceK J, Hlava S, Kolar P, Arlt J, Arltova M,Madle K, Busch A, Kobesova A Manual Cervical Traction and Trunk Stabilization Cause Significant Changes in Upper and Lower Esophageal Sphincter: A Randomized Trial, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Volume 44, Number 4, pp 344-351, 2021, |
Cakrt O, Chovanec M, Funda T, Kalitova P, Betka J, Zverina E, Kolar P, Jerabek J. Exercise with visual feedback improves postural stability after vestibular schwannoma surgery, Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 2010 Sep;267(9):1355-60. |
Cakrt O, Slaby K, Viktorinova L, Kolar P, Jerabek J. Subjective visual vertical in patients with idiopatic scoliosis, J Vestib Res, 2011;21(3):161-5. |

Caner Karartı, İsmail Özsoy, Fatih Özyurt, Hakkı Çağdaş Basat, Gülşah Özsoy, Anıl Özüdoğru The effects of dynamic neuromuscular stabilization approach on clinical outcomes in older patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomized, controlled clinical trial, Somatosensory & Motor Research, |

Casas E, Justes A, Calvo C. Exercise in Motor Development Positions. What Happens with the Activity of Antagonist Muscle Pairs? Pilot Study., J Sport Rehabil., 2018 Jun 28:1-14., 1056-6716 |

Cibulkova N, Dadova K, Maskova K, Busch A, Kobesova A, Varekova J, Haspicova M, Matoulek M Bariatric surgery and exercise: A pilot study on postural stability in obese individuals, PLOS ONE, January 2022 |
Crenshaw K, Liebenson C. Influence of Czech Techniques: A Historical Perspective, The Annual Publication of the Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers Society, 2009;22(1) |

Davidek P, Andel R, Kobesova A Influence of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Approach on Maximum Kayak Paddling Force, Journal of Human Kinetics, DOI: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0127 |

Do Hyun Kim, Jae Jin Lee, and Joshua H. You Best core stabilization exercise to facilitate subcortical neuroplasticity: A functional MRI neuroimaging study, Technology and Health Care , 26 (2018) 401–407 |
Do Hyun Kim, Jae Jin Lee, Bong Soo Han, and Joshua H. You Cortical or Subcortical Neural Networks During Dynamic Neuromuscular Core Stabilization: A fMRI Blood Oxygen-Level Dependent (BOLD) Analysis, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 6, 2156-7018 |

Doubkova L, Andel R, Palascakova-Springrova I, Kolar P, Kriz J, Kobesova A Diastasis of rectus abdominis muscles in low back pain patients, J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil., 31 (2018) 107–112, 1878-6324 |
Frank C, Kobesova A, Kolar P. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization & Sports Rehabilitation, Int J Sports Phys Ther. , 2013 Feb;8(1):62-73 |
Ghavipanje V, Rahimi NM, Akhlaghi F Six Weeks Effects of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) Training in Obese Postpartum Women With Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Biological research for nursing., DOI: 10.1177/10998004211044828 |

Gulrandhe P, Kovela R.K. The Effect of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation on Core Strength: A Literature Review, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2023 Jul, Vol-17(7): KE01-KE05, DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2023/60876.18125 |
Horacek O, Chlumsky J, Mazanec R, Kolar P, Andel R, Kobesova A. Pulmonary function in patients with hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy: A comparison of patients with and without spinal deformity, Neuromuscul Disord. , 2012 Dec;22(12):1083-9. |
Horacek O, Mazanec R, Morris CE, Kobesova A. Spinal deformities in hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy: a retrospective qualitative, quantitative, genotypical, and familial analysis of 175 patients., Spine, 2007;32(22):2502-8. |

Hutson M. Karel Lewit: In memoriam, International Musculoskeletal Medicine, 2014;36(4):123-4 , 1753-6154 |

Hyun S. Yoon, Joshua (Sung) H. You Reflex-mediated dynamic neuromuscular stabilization in stroke patients: EMG processing and ultrasound imaging, Technology and Health Care , 25 (2017) S99–S106 |

Jacisko J, Stribrny M, Novak J, Busch A, Cerny P, Kolar P, Kobesova A Correlation between palpatory assessment and pressure sensors in response to postural trunk tests, Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 29 (2021) 299–308, DOI 10.3233/IES-205238 |

Jebavy R, Balas J, Vomackova H, Szarzec J, Stastny P The Effect of Traditional and Stabilization-Oriented Exercises on Deep Stabilization System Function in Elite Futsal Players, Sports, 2020, 8(12), 153, |

Jevic F, Andel R, Hrdouskova M, Kobesova A Investigating fine and gross motor deficits in pediatric patients off therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Annals of Medicine, |
Juehring DD, Barber MR. A case study utilizing Vojta/Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization therapy to control symptoms of a chronic migraine sufferer, J Bodyw Mov Ther, 2011 Oct;15(4):538-41 |

Kang S, Park I, Ha M. Effect of dynamic neuromuscular stabilization training using the inertial load of water on functional movement and postural sway in middle-aged women: a randomized controlled trial, BMC Women’s Health, |

Kaushik M, Ahmad Bridging Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Synergism with Movement Control Impairment Related Non-Specific Low Back Pain: Scoping Review, J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact , 2024; 24(4):420-432, PMID: 39616512 |
Kobesova A, Andel R, Cizkova K, Kolar P, Kriz J Can Exercise Targeting Mid-Thoracic Spine Segmental Movement Reduce Back Pain and Improve Sensory Perception in Cross- Country Skiers?, Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine:, 2018 Nov 14. [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000000699 |

Kobesová A, Beránková K, Novák J, Kolář P. Využití vyšetřovacího protokolu dle Dynamické neuromuskulární stabilizace v klinické praxi, Rehabil Fyz Lek , 2024; 31(1): 1–14, doi: 10.48095/ccrhfl20241 |

Kobesova A, Davidek P, Morris CE, Ross A, Maxwell M, Oplatkova L, Safarova M, Kumagai K, Kolar P Functional postural-stabilization tests according to Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization approach: Proposal of novel examination protocol, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 24 (2020) 84-95, 1360-8592 |
Kobesova A, Drdakova L, Andel R, Kolar P. Cerebellar function and hypermobility in patients with idiopathic scoliosis , International Musculoskeletal Medicine. , 2013, 35(3): 99-105 |
Kobesova A, Dzvonik J, Kolar P, Sardina A, Andel R. Effects of shoulder girdle dynamic stabilization exercise on hand muscle strength. , Isokinetics and exercise Science. , 2015;23:21-32, 0959-3020 |
Kobesova A, Kolar P, Andel R, Kyncl M, Stulik J, Davidek P, Lardner R Dynamic MRI Assisted Diagnosis of Occult Spinal Instability—A New Useful Approach, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, doi:10.1166/jmihi.2020.3219 |
Kobesova A, Kolar P, Mlckova J, Svehlik M, Morris CE, Frank C, Lepsikova M, Kozak J. Effect of functional stabilization training on balance and motor patterns in a patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Neuro Endocrinol Lett, 2012;33(1):3-10. |

Kobesova A, Kolar P. Developmental Kinesiology: Three Levels of Motor Control i the Assessment and Treatment of the Motor System. , Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies., 2014;18(1):23-33. |

Kobesova A, Morris CE, Lewit K,Safarova M. 20-Year-Old Pathogenic “Active” Post-Surgical Scar: A Case Study of a Patient with Persistent Right Lower Quadrant Pain, J Manipulative Physiol Ther March-April 2007, 2007;30(3):234-238., Displayed with permission from Elsevier |
Kobesova A, Nyvltova M, Kraus J, Kolar P, Sardina A, Mazanec R, Andel R. Evaluation of muscule strength and manual dexterity in patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Journal of Hand Therapy. , 2016;29:66-72. , ISSN 0894-1130 |
Kobesova A, Osborne N. The Prague School of Rehabilitation, International Musculoskeletal Medicine, 2012;34(2):39-41. |

Kobesova A. Professor Karel Lewit, MD, DrSc: an appreciation, International Musculoskeletal Medicine, 2014;36(4):125-7, 1753-6154 |
Kobesova A. The Prague School Special Section in International Musculoskeletal Medicine Journal, International Musculoskeletal Medicine. , 2012;34(2):42-54 |

Kobesová Alena Proč nás bolí záda? A co s tím?, Motol In, 2020, s. 34-38 |
Kolar P, Kobesova A. Postural - Locomotion Function in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Disorders, Clinical Chiropractic, 2010;13(1):58-68, Displayed with permission of ECU 2010 convention organizer |
Kolar P, Neuwirth J, Sanda J, Suchanek V, Svata Z, Volejnik J, Pivec M. Analysis of Diaphragm Movement during Tidal Breathing and during its Activation while Breath Holding Using MRI Synchronized with Spirometry , Physiol Res, 2009;58(3):383-92. |

Kolar P, Sulc J, Kyncl M, Sanda J, Cakrt O, Andel R, Kumagai K, Kobesova A. Postural Function of the Diaphragm in Persons With and Without Chronic Low Back Pain. , J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2012;42:352-362, Full text displayed with permission of the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, and the Sports Physical Therapy Section and the Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. |
Kolar P, Sulc J, Kyncl M, Sanda J, Neuwirth J, Bokarius AV, Kriz J, Kobesova A. Stabilizing function of the diaphragm: dynamic MRI and synchronized spirometric assessment, J Appl Physiol. , 2012;42(4):352-62 |
Kolar P. Importance of Developmental Kinesiology for Manual Medicine, translated from Czech Journal of Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy, 1996;4:139-143. |
Kolar P. Surgical treatment and motor development in patients suffering from cerebral palsy, Translated from Czech Journal of Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy, 2001;8(4):165-168. |
Kolar. P. How to Get Rid of Body Pain, Tema, 2016 |

Kolář J, Veselý V, Kolář P, Kobesová A Diagnostika a trénink neurovizuálních funkcí v rehabilitaci a ve sportu, Rehabil Fyz Lek, 2024; 31(4): 173– 183 , doi: 10.48095/ccrhfl 2024173 |

Kovari M, Stovicek J, Novak J, Havlickova M, Mala S, Busch A, Kolar P, Kobesova A Anorectal dysfunction in multiple sclerosis patients: A pilot study on the effect of an individualized rehabilitation approach, NeuroRehabilitation, DOI:10.3233/NRE-210226 |
Kozak J, Kobesova A, Vrba I, Steindler J, Kolar P. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation in Intractable Neuropathic Pain: A Case Report, Neuro Endocrinol Lett, 2001 Jun 3;32(3):226-233. |
Kutilek P, Socha V, Cakrt O, Svoboda Z. Differences in evaluation methods of trunk sway using different MoCap systems, Acta Bioeng Biomech., 014;16(2):85-94, 1509-409X |
Lee J, Kim D, Sin Y, Yi C, Jeon H, You J, Park C Comparison of core stabilization techniques on ultrasound imaging of the diaphragm, and core muscle thickness and external abdominal oblique muscle electromyography activity, J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, doi: 10.3233/BMR-210051. |

Leili Mahdieh, Vahid Zolaktaf, Mohammad Taghi Karimi Effects of dynamic neuromuscular stabilization (DNS) training on functional movements, Human Movement Science, Epub 2020 Jan 13., |
Lewit K, Kobesova A, Lepsikova M. The deep stabilizing system of the spinal column. The importance for functional reasoning. [Das tiefe stabilisierende System der Wirbelsäule. Seine Bedeutung für funktionelles Denken], Manuelle Medizin, 2010;48(6):440-6. , 0025-2514 |

Líška D, Rutkowsi S, Oplatková L, Sýkora J, Pupiš M, Novák J, Urbářová E, Rutkowska A, Busch A, Kobesova A Comparison of the level of physical activity after the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2024, |

Madle K, Svoboda P, Stribrny M, Novak J, Kolar P, Busch A, Kobesova A, Bitnar P Abdominal wall tension increases using Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization principles in different postural positions, Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, |
Marand LA, Dehkordi SN, Roohi-Azizi M, Dadgoo M. Effect of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization on Balance, Trunk Function, Falling, and Spasticity in People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Arch Phys Med Rehabil, DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2022.09.015 |

Morris CE, Bonnefin D, Darville C The Torsional Upper Crossed Syndrome: A multi-planar update to Janda’s model, with a case series introduction of the mid-pectoral fascial lesion as an associated etiological factor, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies , 2015 Oct;19(4):681-9, 1360-8592 |
Morris CE, Greeman PE, Bullock MI, Basmajian JV, Kobesova A. Vladimir Janda, MD, DSc: tribute to a master of rehabilitation, Spine, 2006;31(9):1060-4. , 0362-2436 |
Nam G. Lee; Joshua (Sung) H. You; Chung H. Yi; Hye S. Jeon; Bong S. Choi; Dong R. Lee; Jae M. Park; Tae H. Lee; In T. Ryu; Hyun S. Yoon Best Core Stabilization for Anticipatory Postural Adjustment and Falls in Hemiparetic Stroke, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2018 Nov;99(11):2168-2174, 0003-9993 |

Novak J, Busch A, Kolar P, Kobesova A Postural and respiratory function of the abdominal muscles: A pilot study to measure abdominal wall activity using belt sensors, Isokinetics and Exercise Science , 29 (2021) 175–184, DOI 10.3233/IES-203212 |

Novak J, Jacisko J, Busch A,Cerny P, Stribrny M, Kovari M, Podskalska P, Kolar P, Kobesova A Intra-abdominal pressure correlates with abdominal wall tension during clinical evaluation tests, Clinical Biomechanics, Clinical Biomechanics 88 (2021) 105426, |

Novak J, Jacisko J, Stverakova T, Juehring DD, Sembera M, Kolar P, Kobesova A The significance of intra-abdominal pressure on postural stabilization: A low back pain case report., Slovak Journal of Sport Science, Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021) |
Oppelt M,Juehring D,Sorgenfrey G, Harvey PJ, Larkin-Thier SM. A case study utilizing spinal manipulation and dynamic neuromuscular stabilization care to enhance function of a post cerebrovascular accident patient, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies., 2014;18:17-22. |

Panse R, Yeole U, Pawar P, Gawali BR. Effect of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization therapy vs Parachute resistance training on performance level in race walkers: comparative study , Int J Physiother., Vol 7(3)114-118, June (2020), 2348 - 8336 |

Park C, Yoon S, Yoon H, Kim K, Cha Y, Park I EFFECTS OF CORE STABILIZATION EXERCISE ON MUSCLE ACTIVITY DURING HORIZONTAL SHOULDER ADDUCTION WITH LOADS IN HEALTHY ADULTS: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STUDY, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 21, No. 9 (2021) 2140049 (11 pages), 10.1142/S0219519421400492 |

Park I, Park C, Kim K, Cha Y THE EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC NEUROMUSCULAR STABILITY EXERCISE ON THE SCOLIOSIS AND PAIN CONTROL IN THE YOUTH BASEBALL PLAYERS, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 21, No. 9 (2021) 2140030 (10 pages), 10.1142/S0219519421400303 |

Parker A.R., DeArmond W.B., Lindsey J.L., Roy P., Malaya C.., Stuber K. Management Of Lumbar Spondylolysis in the Adolescent Athlete Using a Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Paradigm: A Case Report, Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic , JCC. 2025;8(1):92-96. |
Pecka V, Novák J, Machač S, Kobesová A Jak připravit optimální design klinické studie zaměřené na chronické bolesti bederní páteře: doporučení na základě literární rešerše prací publikovaných v letech 2014–2019, Rehabil Fyz Lek , 2022; 29(2): 82–94, 1211-2658 |

Rabieezadeh A, Mahdavinejad R, Sedehi M, Adimi M. The effects of an 8-week dynamic neuromuscular stabilization exercise on pain, functional disability, and quality of life in individuals with non-specific chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial with a two-month follow-up study, BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, DOI:10.21203/ |
Rahimi NM , Mahdavinezhad R, Hosseini SRA , Negahban H Effect of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Breathing Exercises on Some Spirometry Indices of Sedentary Students With Poor Posture, Physical Treatments. Specific Physical Therapy Journal, PTJ 2019, 9(3): 169-176 , 2423-5830 |
Rintala M, Ulm R, Jezkova M, Kobesova A Czech Get-up, NSCA Coach, 3(2):30-38, 2376-0982 |

Sannasi R, Morris CE, Busch A, Noronha T, Krishna VP, Stribrny M, Kobesova A Inter-rater reliability of the dynamic neuromuscular stabilization diaphragm tests among individuals with non-specific low back pain and neck pain, Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 2024, |

Sembera M, Busch A, Kobesova A, Hanychová B, Sulc, Kolar P Postural-respiratory function of the diaphragm assessed by M-mode ultrasonography, PLOS ONE, |

Sembera M, Busch A, Kobesova A, Hanychová B, Sulc, Kolar P The effect of abdominal bracing on respiration during a lifting task: a cross-sectional study, BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation |

Sharma Kiran, Yadav Aashish Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization- A Narrative Review, International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, Vol.10; Issue: 9; September 2020, 2249-9571 |

Schlegel P, Krempa O Dynamická neuromuskulární stabilizace pro sportovce a tělesnou výchovu: a scoping review, Tělesná kultura, ročník 46, 2023, článek e2023.003, doi:10.5507/tk.2023.003 |

Slivkova P, Jevic, Schmidtova B, Smetanova J, Kyncl M, Jacisko J, Kobesova A. Pediatric basilar invagination: Unveiling a rare complication of inflammatory bowel disease unclassified, PM&R, 2024, |
Son M.S., You J.H., Yi Ch.H., Jeon H.S., Ca Y.J. Effects of dynamic neuromuscular stabilization on diaphragm movement, postural control, balance and gait performance in cerebral palsy, NeuroRehabilitation , 2017 (41), 1053-8135 |

Stverakova T, Jacisko J, Busch A, Safarova M, Kolar P, Kobesova A The impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity of Czech children, PLOS ONE, 2021, https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0254244 |
Suchánek O, Podrazil M, Fischerová B, Bočínská H, Budínský V, Stejskal D, Spíšek R, Bartůňková J, Kolář P. Intensive physical activity increases peripheral blood dendritic cells , Cell Immunol. , 2010;266(1):40-5. |
Svehlik M, Slaby K, Soumar L, Smetana P, Kobesova A, Trc T. Evolution of walking ability after soft tissue surgery in cerebral palsy patients: what can we expect? , J Pediatr Orthop B, 2008;17(3): 107-13 |

Tapajcikova T, Liska D, Batalik L, Tucker CP, Kobesova A Levels of Gnostic Functions in Top Karate Athletes—A Pilot Study, Motor Control, |




Valouchova P, Liebenson C. Self-management: Patient section The New Abds, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies., 2009;13:112-113 |
Yoon Hyun Sik, Cha Young Joo, You Joshua (Sung) Hyunc The effects of dynamic neuromuscular stabilization on respiratory function, fatigue and activities of daily living in subacute stroke patients: A randomized control trial, NeuroRehabilitation, Oct. 2020, pp. 1-7, ahead of press, DOI: 10.3233/NRE-203231 |
Young Joo Cha, Hyunsik Yoon, Do Hee Jung, Jongseok Hwang, Joshua H. You The Best Lumbothoracic-Cervical Chain Stabilization Exercise for Longus Colli Activation, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Vol. 8, 84–87, 2018, doi:10.1166/jmihi.2018.2237 |
Young Joo Cha, Jae Jin Lee, Do Hyun Kim, Joshua H. You The validity and reliability of a dynamic neuromuscular stabilization-heel sliding test for core stability, Technol Health Care, Oct 23;25(5):981-988., DOI: 10.3233/THC-170929 |
Book chapters
Havlíčková M, Kővári M, Kobesová A Cvičení pro osoby s dyfunkcí pánevního dna: Instrukce ke cvičení, Edukační leták podpořený projektem Erasmus+: Zvýšení pohybové aktivity po pandemii COVID-19, číslo projektu 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023008, 2024 |
Havlíčková M, Kővári M, Kobesová A Exercise for People with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Exercise Instructions, Educational leaflet was supported by Erasmus+ project: The movement activity enhancement after the COVID19 pandemics, project number 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023008 , 2024 |
Jezkova M, Kobesova A, Lavelle Ch, Farrelly C Yoga Exercises Respecting Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Principles in Senior Population, Rehabilitation of the Spine. A Patient-Centered Approach. 3rd ed, 2019:823-39, 13: 978-1-4963-3940-9 |
Kobesova A, Kolar P Nørgaard I. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization: Exercise in the developmental positions to achieve spinal stability and functional joint centration, Neurorehabilitation of People with Impaired Mobility - Therapeutic Interventions and Assessment Tools, 2017; 145-62, 978-80-87878-07-1 |
Kobesova A, Safarova M, Kolar P. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization: Exercise in the developmental positions to achieve spinal stability and functional joint centration, Oxford Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine, 2015:678-689, 978-0-10-967410-7 |
Kobesova A, Ulm R, Jezkova M, Kolar P Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Rehabilitation of the Spine. A Patient-Centered Approach. 3rd ed, 2019:757-75, 13: 978-1-4963-3940-9 |

Kobesova A, Valouchova P, Kolar P Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization: Exercises Based on Developmental Kinesiology Models, Functional Training Handbook, Wolters & Kluwer, 2014: 25-51. , 13:978-1-58255-920-9. |
Kolar P, Kobesova A, Valouchova P, Bitnar P. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization: assessment methods, Recognizing and Treating Breathing Disorders, 2014;93-98, 978-0-7020-4980-4 |

Kolar P, Kobesova A, Valouchova P, Bitnar P. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization: developmental kinesiology: breathing stereotypes and postural-locomotion function, Recognizing and Treating Breathing Disorders, 2014;11-22, 978-0-7020-4980-4 |
Kolar P, Kobesova A, Valouchova P, Bitnar P. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization: treatment methods, Recognizing and Treating Breathing Disorders, 2014;163-168, 978-0-7020-4980-4 |
Kolar P. Facilitation of Agonist-Antagonist Co-activation by Reflex Stimulation Methods, Rehabilitation of the Spine – A Practitioner’s Manual. Lippincott Williams& Wilkins, 2nd edition, 2006;531-565 |
Lewit K, Kobesova A. Soft Tissue Manipulation , Rehabilitation of the Spine. A Practitioner’s Manual. 2nd ed, Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. 2006:388-402, 0-7817-2997-1. |

Líška D,..Kobesová A, Oplatková L, Novák J, Urbářová A Physical activity and COVIDMOVE, ISBN 978-80-557-2204-7 |
Oplatková L, Novák J, Urbářová E, Kobesová A. Doporučená příprava pro vybrané pohybové aktivity s využitím metodiky DNS, Edukační leták podpořený projektem Erasmus+: Zvýšení pohybové aktivity po pandemii COVID-19, číslo projektu 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023008, 2024 |
Oplatková L, Novák J, Urbářová E, Kobesová A. Recommended Preparation for Selected Physical Activities Using the Methodology of DNS, Educational leaflet was supported by Erasmus+ project: The movement activity enhancement after the COVID19 pandemics, project number 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023008 , 2024, 2024 |
Safarova M, Kobesova A, Kolar P. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stablization and the Role of central nervous system control in the pathogenesis of musculoskeletal disorders, Oxford Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine, 2015:66-83, 978-0-10-967410-7 |
Stehnová T, Kobesová A Rehabilitace pro pacienty po transplantaci plic s gastroezofageálním refluxem s využitím metodiky DNS, Edukační leták podpořený projektem Erasmus+: Zvýšení pohybové aktivity po pandemii COVID-19, číslo projektu 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023008, 2024 |
Stehnová T, Kobesová A Rehabilitation for patients after lung transplantation with gastroesophageal reflux using the methodology of DNS, Educational leaflet was supported by Erasmus+ project: The movement activity enhancement after the COVID19 pandemics, project number 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023008 , 2024 |
Urbarova E, Oplatkova L, Novak J, Kobesova A Exercises for people with breathing disorders using DNS methodology, Educational leaflet was supported by Erasmus+ project: The movement activity enhancement after the COVID19 pandemics, project number 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023008 , 2024 |
Urbářová E, Oplatková L, Novák J, Kobesová A Cvičení pro osoby s poruchami dechu s využitím metody DNS, Edukační leták podpořený projektem Erasmus+: Zvýšení pohybové aktivity po pandemii COVID-19, číslo projektu 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023008, 2024 |
Posters and Presentations
Bitnar P, Kolar P, et al. Crural diaphragm Function Monitoring in the Lower Esophageal Sphincter Area , 11th OESO World Conference on disease of the esophagus, Como, italy, 2012 |
Bitnar P, Kolar P, et al. Diaphragm function in GERD patients: PFT assessment with extended esophageal manometry
, ERS Congress Barcelona, 20th Congress of European Respiratory Society, Barcelona,Spain 2010. |
Bitnar P, Kolar P, et al. Diaphragm function monitorings in the lower esophageal sphincter area. , The XVIII congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology 16-19 June , 2010, Aalborg, Denmark |
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